“I really value and appreciate the support Trinity provides carers, it is far better than I was expecting.”
I am the carer for my husband, he has lung cancer. Because of his condition he gets re-occurring chest infections and during a GP visit, I got very emotional – I was struggling to cope; I was worrying about my husband, worrying about being alone, I couldn’t sleep.
The nurse suggested we could benefit from the care provided by Trinity Hospice. I have to admit, I was very ignorant of the Hospice, I thought it meant the end and had no idea they supported carers as well as people with a life-limiting conditions.
The nurse sent a referral to the Hospice and one of the Hospice nurses came to visit us at home. My husband was referred to Day Therapy and I was offered a six week course of complementary therapies. I was given the choice of reflexology, reiki and various types of massage.
I have never had complementary therapies before. I’ve been having difficulty sleeping and feel so tense that my shoulders ache so I opted to try reiki and massage. I find the treatments very relaxing and on a few occasions I’ve drifted off completely and the therapist has had to wake me up! Having the opportunity the switch-off for an hour really makes such a difference. I am now sleeping much better at home.
Since attending the weekly sessions, the therapist has also referred me to the Linden Centre for counselling – I think talking to someone impartial about my worries will help enormously.
I really value and appreciate the support Trinity provides carers, it is far better than I was expecting.