Please do not use this form for patient referrals or to ask for information about a patient - please telephone instead.


If you have an enquiry for our Donation Centre or any of our charity shops, please click here.

  • You can use the form below to send an enquiry to us. If you prefer you can either email us, or call us on 01253 358881.

Useful Numbers

Trinity Hospice

01253 358881

Brian House

01253 358881

Linden Centre

01253 952582


01253 952561

Learning & Research Centre

01253 952610

Retail/Shops Enquiries 

01253 395822


Charity Shops

We have several charity shops across the Fylde and Wyre. For more info check here

If you wish to comment on the care you have received at Trinity Hospice, please read our Complaints Procedure.

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