What is Hospice at Home?
Based here at Trinity, Hospice at Home supports patients overnight, giving families more confidence in managing their illness and helping to avoid unwanted hospital admissions.
For some people, their most important wish is to stay in their own home as they approach end of life, but taking care of someone who is very ill can be difficult, especially during the night, when GP surgeries are closed but expert advice is needed quickly.
Our team of specialist nurses and health care assistants can help in many ways:
- Nausea and pain management
- Breathing difficulties
- Giving prescribed medications to alleviate any symptoms
- Helping with all aspects of personal comfort and care
In addition, the team provides practical advice, emotional and psychological support to help reduce stress and anxiety for those caring for someone at home. Our nurses can discuss any changes in a patients’ condition with their wider care team, so there’s always a smooth transition between day and night time services. We also support carers following their loved one’s death.
Last year our Hospice at Home team supported 1,075 patients