We are currently updating this section of the website. Please bear this in mind when accessing any documents as information may be outdated.
Thank you for your patience.
This site is for professionals assisting people with life limiting illnesses. The content contains medical information about serious illnesses and dying.
If you are looking for general information about Trinity Hospice, go to www.trinityhospice.co.uk
We are currently updating this section of the website. Please bear this in mind when accessing any documents as information may be outdated.
Thank you for your patience.
Thanks to our collaborative work with Lancaster University, Trinity is a University Hospice.
This is a remarkable partnership which enhances our commitment to training health care professionals in palliative and end of life specialties and being part of robust research to help shape and improve local palliative and end-of-life care.
Trinity is involved in the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and supports students who are undertaking research as part of a recognised University Qualification.
In fact, our own Community Palliative Care Consultant has been named as the first ever NIHR Research Delivery Network National Lead for Palliative Care.