The Six Steps to Success programme for Care Homes is a workshop-style training programme developed by the Greater Manchester and Cheshire Cancer Network, the Merseyside and Cheshire Cancer Network and the Cumbria and Lancashire End of Life Care Network with support from the National End of Life Care Programme. It enables care homes to implement the structured organisational change required to deliver the best end of life care and is based on The Route to Success in End of Life Care – achieving quality in care homes (2010).

Six Steps to Success Domiciliary Programmes for the Organisation

This programme is divided into two sections, each one contained within the handbook. The first is for the Organisation, the second is for the Domiciliary Care Workforce. Each section is set out with a full programme overview to support the delivery of end of life care in the domiciliary care setting. This overview outlines the content of the workshops and the outcomes to be achieved.

The programme has been developed to be inclusive of all domiciliary care settings (including extra care housing).

The length of time it takes to deliver the programme is flexible and dependent on each local area. The workshops always start with an overview from the Route to Success guide to ensure the representatives understand their role in delivering high quality care.

The workshops conclude with a ‘To Do’ list for the representatives to action before attending the next workshop. Facilitators will be able to identify at the earliest opportunity organisations that require extra support from reviewing progress on the ‘To Do’ list.

Within each workshop the organisation has the opportunity to develop an end of life care policy based on the content of the workshop.

The resource column within the hand-out identifies the resources available, which are highlighted in bold, that support the programme. The PowerPoint Presentations are reference only as a suggested way of delivering sessions and Facilitators may adapt accordingly.

To promote organisational change and ensure there is management support for end of life care it is advisable to deliver the Six Steps to Success Programme (Organisation) before the Six Steps to Success (Workforce).

To access the Six Steps to Success in end-of-life care programme click here.

Domiciliary Programme for the Workforce

The length of time it takes to deliver the programme is flexible and dependent on each local area. The Domiciliary Care Programme for the Workforce is delivered in six workshops. These may be delivered in half or full days.

Permission is given to adapt this programme but please reference the original source. The Facilitator has licence to use their professional judgement in the content and delivery of the workshops, ensuring outcomes from the programme are achieved at all time. The Facilitator should try to integrate local policies and guidance into the programme where possible.

For more details, please email