A message from our CEO
David Houston
As a local charity we have been overwhelmed with kind thoughts and gestures from so many as we navigate our way through the current situation. Whilst our shops are closed and our events are not taking place, Trinity is still very much open with our staff working tirelessly to care for our patients and their families, and we are so grateful for everyone’s continued support.
Because of you and the support you have given, we are in the best possible position to continue our vital care working extremely closely with our NHS and partners within the wider healthcare community. So, as someone who has always given their support to Trinity, we now want to give our support to you. We are passing on our very best wishes at this difficult time and ask you all to take care.
Supporting our community
Our priority is the safety and well-being of all our patients, their families and our dedicated staff and volunteers, whether in our Hospice buildings, in the community through our community nurses and hospice at home, in the hospital with our dedicated palliative care team, or in our clinical work and advice supporting local care-homes. We are helping to design COVID-19 palliative care protocols for the Fylde Coast and constantly monitoring and responding to all government guidelines in this ever-changing landscape. Through ongoing and responsive planning, we are as ready as we can be for the unprecedented level of care we and our partners will need to provide to the Fylde Coast over the coming months.
Playing your part
We all have the ability to help slow the spread of coronavirus and save lives. By following government advice for social distancing, hygiene and regular hand washing, and avoiding panic buying, we can all help reduce the rate at which the virus will spread.
We fully appreciate the continued offers of support to help within our hospice, donate goods and a willingness to get involved. Over the coming weeks and months there will be many ways in which we will need to call on those able to help, but for now we are asking you to stay at home, with your family and help us to help the many families who need our care.
Thank you for being part of the Trinity family. We need your support now more than ever before and together we will overcome the very significant challenge the next few months will bring.
With my very best wishes
David Houston
Chief Executive