I get a lot of satisfaction from being a volunteer driver for Trinity.
I am 83 years young and I’ve been a volunteer driver here at Trinity for 17 years. I volunteer 4 days a week.
Prior to retiring I was a self-employed taxi driver and it was a friend who suggested that I’d enjoy volunteering so I applied. My role involves collecting patients up from their homes, fetching them to Day Therapy or other outpatient appointments and taking them home again. In between appointments I choose to run errands for the fundraising team.
I get to meet people from all walks of life, although most patients are very upbeat and cheerful about accessing Trinity’s support some are very nervous about coming to the Hospice for the first time; to these people I offer reassurance. Likewise day therapy patients who are being discharged after 16 weeks can sometimes be emotional as they have enjoyed attending so much. My wife died 20 years ago and benefitted from the care provided by Trinity so I understand first-hand how the Hospice services make a difference.
Volunteering keeps me active; I don’t have any hobbies as such and helping Trinity gives me a reason to get up in the morning. I get a lot of satisfaction from volunteering and would be lost without it – hopefully I will continue to have good health and will be able to continue for many years to come.