Hospice at Home

Whatever your thoughts and fears are on death, Trinity almost spins them on their head. The nurses helped dad to laugh and smile for as long as he could. It really is a place like no other, and one which we will continue to support for as long as we are able. When dad became really […]

Hospice at Home

Christmas was mum’s favourite time of year. She was the biggest Christmas queen in the whole world. Her house just became this Santa’s grotto in December – it was amazing! We even went to New York in December 2018. We did literally everything. It was the trip of a lifetime. We returned home on her […]

Hospice at Home

Meet Shirley Callighan. Shirley is one of our Hospice at Home nurses.   Despite everything that’s been going on over the last several months, Shirley and her colleagues have continued to visit people’s homes and give them the care they desperately need.   Granted, everyone has been in full PPE, but it’s still been challenging […]

Hospice at Home

The night he died, Martin was with the people he loved – exactly where he wanted to be. Without the expert nurses at Trinity, I would have struggled.