We’re helping empower compassionate communities

Here at Trinity Hospice, we’re part of a new campaign to empower communities across the Fylde coast to hold important conversations about death and dying with confidence.

Our Compassionate Fylde Coast Communities is being spearheaded by the end-of-life care and bereavement teams at Trinity Hospice at Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

The campaign aims to work with community groups and organisations across Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre to support them with the correct skills, knowledge and confidence to guide important conversations about planning for death, dealing with death and coping through bereavement.

It was launched during Dying Matters Week, when work was taking place nationally to encourage people to think about what is important to them now and what will be important to them as they near the end of their lives.

During the week, a series of videos was shared at an event for leaders of local community groups, helping them to support important conversations with members of their community.

Jackie Brunton, Lead Nurse in End of Life and Bereavement Care at Blackpool Teaching Hospitals, said: “The work we are doing is vital to help those in our community be as supported as possible when it comes to planning for their final days and beyond.

“We have shared an important toolkit to local groups and organisations helping them to understand and share information about planning for the future by making a Will, thinking about their finances and making Advance Care Plans, thinking about their funeral and what they want to happen to their bodies after they die.

“We want them to be confident speaking to others about how to care for a loved one in their final days or helping them to think about who they may be able to call on when they need additional care.

“Our work will give our communities the confidence to understand people’s emotions when they’re planning their final days and supporting them as they plan how they will say goodbye. And we’ll help our communities to support their people as they live in the ‘new normal’.”

Dr Gillian Au, Medical Director at Trinity Hospice said Dying Matters Week was the perfect opportunity to launch Our Compassionate Fylde Coast Communities.

She said: “The week is about highlighting the importance of planning for our final days, thinking about what will be important to us and those around us and where we want to be, and making sure our loved ones are aware of our wishes so there are no difficult decisions to be made when the time comes.

“The pandemic has been the driving force of this campaign because we know our communities across the Fylde coast have truly pulled together to support people who have very suddenly lost loved ones at a time they have never felt more alone.

“Our campaign is all about sharing our expertise around supporting people in their final months, weeks and moments as well as those around them, ensuring all the important decisions are made well in advance to make a difficult time a little easier.”

For updates on Our Compassionate Fylde Coast Communities, follow @FyldeOur on Twitter.


Published: 6th May 2022