Cheryl was first supported by Trinity Hospice 10 years ago, when she was diagnosed with breast cancer.
She had regular appointments with our lymphoedema nurses and received counselling from our specialists at the Linden Centre.
After being in remission for seven years, Cheryl was told her cancer had returned. She had a tumour removed from her small intestine, but doctors gave her the devastating news that her cancer had spread and was, sadly, incurable.
Cheryl coped for a long time on her own, while caring for her mum who also has lung cancer and is living with dementia.

It was at our Dementia Lounge that our Admiral Nurse Team recognised that Cheryl could do with more support. They put her back in touch with Trinity.
She spent six weeks on our In-patient unit getting help to bring her pain under control and manage her symptoms.
She said: “Trinity is amazing.
“Different people from different roles came to see me and took a real interest in me. They cared and they listened. They treated me, and everyone else around me, with dignity.”
While under our care, Cheryl took part in some of our Living Well Service activities, like our baking group. Despite being out of her comfort zone, she loved the experience.
“I really surprised myself,” she said.
“There was another family there with young girls and it just reminded me of when I used to be a Rainbows leader.
“And my cakes turned out really good!”
After returning home, Cheryl is continuing to live well with her diagnoses with support from our Living Well Team, Palliative Care Consultant and the Linden Centre.