Wonderful weekend
What a wonderful weekend it was!
On Friday night Trinity held its annual Fundraising Ball at the beautiful Blackpool Tower Ballroom.
Around 420 people attended and enjoyed an evening of fine food, superb entertainment and very good company, raising a quite incredible £42,000 in the process.
Thank you to everyone who was there; to our President Jimmy Armfield, our hosts Linda Nolan and Jodie Prenger, our entertainers, the catering team from Twelve and everyone who donated prizes or helped in some way behind the scenes.
Prize ballooons, the raffle and some very enthusiastic bidding in the auctions pushed our fundraising total ever higher, and generous sponsorship of the event means that all the money raised goes towards patient care here at the hospice – it really was an amazing night.
But for some of us, the excitement didn’t end there.
On Sunday evening 21 hospice staff and volunteers went along to the Grand Theatre, Blackpool, to enjoy a one night show by our good friends from the Music Hall Tavern, Lanzarote – and received a cheque for £5,000.
The show was fantastic and the generosity of Paul Carroll, Lee Sanderson and everyone at MHT is very much appreciated.
Hope to see you again soon.