We are ‘outstanding’ – CQC report
We are very pleased to announce that the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has rated us ‘outstanding’ following their inspection in early July.
The full report published by CQC is now available – you can click on a link from our home page – and it shows how we scored in five ‘key lines of enquiry’. There’s a useful summary of the overall findings. This is a huge achievement and the result of a fantastic team effort.
The five key lines of enquiry are as follows:
OVERALL rating for the service Outstanding
Is the service safe? Good
Is the service effective? Good
Is the service caring? Outstanding
Is the service responsive? Good
Is the service well-led? Outstanding
Debbie Westhead, Deputy Chief Inspector of CQC’s Adult Social Care in the North commented: “We found the care provided at Trinity Hospice to be outstanding. What really struck us about this service was how person-centred it was. Without exception, people and their relatives spoke extremely highly of staff and their experiences of care at Trinity. We saw that end of life care plans were very detailed and were not only making a difference to the people using the service, but also their relatives.
“It was impressive to see how well-led Trinity was. The registered manager also worked jointly with other organisations, to make sure that people using their service were receiving the best possible care. This included research studies with a local hospital that influenced and improved best practice and national policy-making. We saw that that this had a major impact on people’s care. The whole team should be very proud of the service they are providing.”
Our Clinical Director Julie Huttley said she was extremely proud of all Trinity staff and the contribution they made to patient care which helped us reach this ‘outstanding’ rating. She added: “It really reflects the high quality professional care and support that all the team gives to patients and families, not just at the hospice, but also at the hospital and in patients’ own homes.”