Open Day success
Trinity’s Open Day was well received with a steady stream of visitors taking the opportunity to see our facilities and meet some of our staff and volunteers.
There were displays explaining the work of each team here at the Hospice and also short tours of Brian House. The Linden Centre hosted a Trinity Tea Party, our therapists were offering complementary treatments and our mascot Hospuss was on hand to shake a paw with the younger visitors.
Medical Director Susan Salt gave an informative talk about palliative care, which was well attended, and there were other information sessions about Dementia Friends and Spiritual Care.
Local MP Paul Maynard was among the visitors, and was particularly keen to hear more about our new Hospice at Home overnight service, a two year pilot with the Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre CCGs.
Our volunteers did us proud, meeting and greeting guests and hosting displays about their work. Displays of craft work by our Day Therapy patients attracted a lot of interest.
It was also a chance for Gazette readers who helped raise £266,000 in the Hospice Heroes appeal to see how some of the money has been spent on improving comfort, privacy and dignity for patients.
Thank you to everyone who came along, and to everyone who helped make the day a success. As part of national Hospice Care Week it was a valuable reminder that hospices are at the heart of the local community.