Ladies – you were amazing!
A huge thank you to all the ladies who took part in this year’s Illumathon. What a great night it was!
The 80s theme, chosen as part of our 30th birthday celebrations, really captured everyone’s imagination and inspired some brilliant costumes – from Adam Ant to Abba, from Madonna to Michael Jackson. There was a lot of big hair, bright leg warmers and even a couple of Rubiks Cubes.
Many people were walking in memory of a loved one and it was heart warming to chat beforehand and hear their stories.
As ever, Illumathon was a massive team effort. Sainsbury’s at Red Bank Road helped us in so many ways; our hosts and entertainers were superb, our volunteers and marshals a vital part of the evening. We couldn’t have done it without any of you! Thank you to Blackpool Council for the sneak preview of the Lights – and to the Tower which lit up Trinity green for the night.
Here’s a small gallery of photos from the build-up – can you spot yourself or someone you know? Remember that sponsorship from Illumathon helps pay for patient care here at the hospice; please gather in your well-earned money so we can add up this year’s total.
You were all amazing!