Ladies – you can still enter!
Just days to go until the fabulous illumathon – which means you still have time to enter Blackpool’s biggest and most glamorous fundraising party night.
The theme is trainers and tiaras and here at the hospice we are well stocked with all the glitzy items a fashion conscious walker could possibly want – tutus, long gloves, glittery leg warmers and of course tiaras. Come down and see what we’ve got.
Online entries are now closed, but the Fundraising office at the Hospice, Low Moor Road, will be open from 10am on Saturday – come down to register and collect your walker pack.
Ladies who have already entered should come to collect their t-shirts and bags asap. Join us! It’s going to be a great night, with a fabulous Kylie tribute act to get everyone in the party mood.
You can register on the night – but allow extra time and remember, it’s cash only.
Watch out for Trinity’s mascot Hospuss along the route – and also give some encouragement to our Chief Exec David, who will be the only man walking the illumathon!