It’s Hospice Care Week!
This week is Hospice Care Week across the UK, and here at Trinity and Brian House there are several ways in which you can get involved.
If you are out and about over the next few days take a look in one of our high street shop windows. Each Trinity shop display has a special Hospice Care Week theme, and inside you can pick up an invitation to our Open Day on Sunday.
Our Brian House shop on Devonshire Road has a fabulous window display of rainbows, made for Hospice Care Week by the youngsters who are cared for here. The paintings and collages are well worth a look, and represent hours of work.
Come along to Open Day if you can. It’s a chance to learn more about Trinity’s services and to see our exciting plans for future improvements. Just drop in any time between 10am and 2pm this Sunday (October 13). There’s lots of free parking and refreshments will be available.
Please don’t feel uncomfortable about coming along – our tour route means you won’t be disturbing any patients, but you will get a chance to chat to staff and volunteers.
* Specially timed to coincide with Hospice Care Week is the launch of Trinity’s first ever Will Month.
Solicitors from across the Fylde Coast have teamed up with us to offer Will making services in return for a small donation to Trinity. Spaces are limited, so don’t delay.