Have a fit and fabulous New Year
A very Happy New Year to all our friends and supporters. Our fundraising year has already had a high octane launch thanks to an event at the de Vere hotel in Blackpool. Dozens of participants got 2013 off to a fit and fabulous start with a day of energetic work-out programmes such as Body Attack. Thanks to everyone who contributed to Trinity on the day.
If you are planning a New Year fitness regime, why not train to take part in the Beaverbrooks 10K Fun Run on Sunday May 12? This year’s event is in support of Trinity Hospice, and over 3,000 participants are expected. Entry details will be available soon.
If you’ve got a podgy pooch in need of more exercise, they could join you in the fitness drive and get in shape for our annual Bark in the Park, which is scheduled for May 25. Details of how to register online will be available in the coming weeks.
Every fundraising event, no matter how big or small, makes a vital contribution to Trinity Hospice and Brian House Children’s Hospice. We need to raise £7 million a year to cover our costs – but receive only a fraction of this from central sources, which is why fundraising in the community is so important. Let us know if you have an event planned for 2013.