Fun Run 2013: Everything you need to know
The Beaverbrooks 10k Fun Run takes place Sunday 12th May starting and finishing at the Hilton Hotel Blackpool.
Still wanting to register?
Online and Phone registration is now closed, however you are still able to register by:
- Visiting the Hospice Fundraising Office between 10am-2pm on Saturday 11th May to register in person by cash or cheque
- On the day at the Hilton Hotel from 9am. The registration desk is located in the Springs Nightclub at the back of the hotel
Please note we are no longer taking credit card bookings for this event
Information for Runners:
- There is no parking available at the Hilton Hotel so you are advised to arrive in plenty of time to find suitable street parking
- The promenade is closed from the Pleasure Beach to Gynn Sq from 8am until 1pm.
- The Wheelchair race starts at 10.50am
- The main run starts at 11.00am
- This year we are using a chip timing system and it is essential that all runners wear the correct number assigned to their name, and each runner crosses both the mats at the start and finish line
- Beware of trams as they are still operating throughout the run and it is the responsibility of every runner to take care and follow instructions given to you by race officials & marshals
- Should you require any medical assistance at any point in the run please ask your nearest marshal who will contact St John’s Ambulance
- If you are not able to complete please pass your runner number to your nearest marshal
- Portaloos are available outside the Hilton Hotel. Please note there are no toilets available during the course or at the finish line
Information for spectators:
- You are able to spectate along the promenade side of most places along the course, but please be mindful of instructions given to you by race officials & marshals.
- Results will be printed in age category order in Monday’s 13th May edition of Blackpool Gazette and made available online from 6pm that day.