Chocs away!
Easter is always a choctastic time at Brian House – but it has arrived a little bit early this year!
Hampers filled with chocolate have gone out to companies across the Fylde Coast and they are raffling them off before Easter, with proceeds coming to Brian House. The hampers have been very kindly sponsored by Grunty’s Day Nursery, and more than 40 have been sent out so far.
Janet Atkins, Trinity’s Corporate Fundraiser said: “A massive thanks to Grunty’s and to every business that has agreed to raffle a hamper, or donated chocolate to put inside. Our volunteers helped put the hampers together and they look spectacular.
“We hope thousands of tickets will be sold across the Fylde Coast and the money raised will make a big difference to us here at the hospice, though I have to say that my colleagues in the Fundraising team were quite sorry to see all that lovely chocolate leave the office…”