Blackpool Night Run – Terms and Conditions 

Please ensure you have read and agreed to these terms and conditions before registering to take part in the Blackpool Night Run 



  1. Blackpool Night Run is a ‘Free to Enter’ event; however participants MUST submit an official registration form. 
  2. Participants taking part in the Blackpool Night Run pledge to raise a minimum of £30; alternatively you can donate £30 at the point of entry. All donations are non-refundable.   
  3. Following your registration we will send you a registration pack which will include hints and tips to support your fundraising. All sponsorship will go toward patient care provision at Brian House Children’s Hospice  
  4. We expect the event to have 3,000 participants taking part. 
  5. It is expected that a number of under 16’s will take part. The minimum age for participants is 8 years old; all under 16s must be accompanied by a responsible adult, who has also registered for the event. 
  6. Transfer of places is not permitted. If you are unable to attend Blackpool Night Run after registering, please email or call 01253 359362  
  7. We aim to ensure the commencement of the event; however should a decision be deemed necessary to postpone or cancel the event Trinity Hospice will provide further information to participants. Trinity Hospice shall not be liable for reimbursing the cost of travel or accommodation arrangements made by participants.  
  8. By taking part, all participants confirm that they are happy for their names and any footage or photographs taken during the event to be used to publicise or report on Blackpool Night Run and Brian House Children’s Hospice and Trinity Hospice generally. Should special dispensation be required, it is the responsibility of the participants to inform Trinity Hospice of such requirements. 
  9. Participants are encouraged to look out for updates via Brian House Children’s Hospice and Trinity Hospice social media channels. 
  10. Once the event has reached capacity; applications will be closed. Brian House Children's Hospice reserves the right to close applications at any time. 
  12. If a registrant purchases a t-shirt and/or makes a donation and the payment fails, this will make the entry void. Registrants will therefore be asked to try signing up again.


  1. The race will start promptly at 8.30pm on Wednesday 28th August with a finish time of 10:00pm. We reserve the right to impose a cut off time, to allow the site to be cleared of participants, equipment and litter prior to the road closure ending. 
  2. The Night Run is a Fun Run suitable for all abilities.  
  3. The event will be controlled by a number of marshals.  For the safety of yourself, other participants and the spectators, please abide by any instructions issued by the marshals. 
  4. For the health and safety of our runners and spectators a bag storage facility WILL NOT be available 
  5. Runners must complete within the 1 hour 30 minutes time frame. If runners are unable to complete the 7.5km route within this time they must move onto the pavement and notify their nearest Marshall.  


  1. Sponsor forms are included in your entry pack and must be returned as soon as possible after the event, along with all the lovely funds you have raised. Sponsorship can also be raised via an online sponsor form which can be set up at  
  2. Tick the Gift Aid box where applicable, so we can make your donations go 25% further for our patients. Imagine how much more funds the hospice would receive (at no extra cost to you), if everyone eligible ticked this box. 
  3. We ask that all sponsorship and donations are returned to Trinity Hospice by 31st October 2025. By doing so, Brian House Children’s Hospice can make sure that we are on target to achieve best possible care to those who need it. You can return your funds via cheque made payable to “Trinity Hospice”, along with your sponsorship form to Trinity Hospice, Low Moor Road, Blackpool, FY2 0BG, or alternatively you can donate your sponsorship online via the ‘Make a Donation’ button on the website (Make a donation - Brian House Children’s Hospice). Please add in the Event Name in the reason for donation box so we can allocate your donation to the event.  
  4. All funds raised by your participation in events in support of Brian House Children’s Hospice are raised for the sole purpose and benefit of Brian House Children’s Hospice (registered charity no. 511009) and those who receive the support from its services. 


  1. Prior to the event, each participant will receive an individual participant number. Please ensure you complete the contact information on the reverse and wear this number to the event. All participants must be accounted for throughout the route. These numbers are unique to you and therefore must not be swapped with other participants. 
  2. Participants are responsible for their own safety at the event  
  3. For your safety and enjoyment of the event, we ask that you follow and adhere to the instructions given by the event organisers and event marshals. 
  4. If you are unable to complete the 7.5km route in full, you must inform an event marshal that you are unable to continue and hand in your participant number. First Aid assistance can be sought if required. 
  5. No dogs are allowed on the course at any time. 
  6. The Blackpool Night Run involves a level of sustained physical activity. Participants make the decision to take part and must be satisfied that this activity is suitable for them as individuals. Neither Trinity Hospice nor its affiliates can be held accountable for aggravation to illness or injury sustained due to participation in this activity. Participants are recommended to seek advice from their medical practitioner prior to taking part in this event, and make provisions to ensure their safe participation. 
  7. We strongly advise that all participants wear appropriate footwear and clothing to ensure their safe and enjoyable participation. 
  8. Participants are asked to come equipped with whatever necessary clothing, medication and nourishment is required to enable enjoyable and safe participation in this activity. 
  9. We aim to ensure the commencement of the event, however, should a decision be necessary to postpone or cancel the event, participants are encouraged to look out for updates via Trinity Hospice and Brian House Children’s Hospice social media channels. 
  10. Should alterations to the planned activity be necessary to ensure safety of our participants, we will give prior notice either before the event or on arrival to the event of any alterations made. 
  11. Alcohol is not permitted at the event. Trinity Hospice and Brian House Children’s Hospice reserves the right to disqualify anyone who is under the influence of alcohol, whether consumed prior to commencement or during the event. This is done in order to prevent risk to the safety and enjoyment of yourself and others. 
  12. All under 16s MUST be accompanied by a responsible adult, who has also registered for the event. It is the responsibility of the registered Parent/Guardian to ensure participants under the age of 16 are accompanied by a responsible person over the age of 18 during the event.  


Trinity Hospice reserves the right to update its terms and conditions in relation to the Blackpool Night Run at any time prior to the event.