Meet our champions
Wareing Buildings of Wrea Green have been crowned Trinity Hospice Corporate Challenge Champions of 2015.
The company was one of 30 teams competing in this year’s event, where £50 starter funds are turned into much, much more by the efforts and enterprise of local businesses.
It was third time lucky for Wareing, who have been supporters of the Corporate Challenge since its launch and whose flagship fundraising event – the Wrea Green Car Carnival – has grown into one of the biggest car rallies in the area. The company raised over £12,000.
The Corporate Challenge awards were given out at a lunchtime celebration hosted by Trinity at Ribby Hall on Friday October 23. Runners up were James Brearley and Sons of Blackpool and Trinity’s own Linden Centre team were in third place.
In all, Corporate Challenge raised over £60,400 for Trinity Hospice – smashing previous records. Because an anonymous sponsor once again donated all the starter funds, every penny raised during the four month event goes to patient care.
Janet Atkins, Corporate Challenge co-ordinator for Trinity, said: “We couldn’t believe the final total. It represents a huge amount of hard work and enthusiasm by those involved, and we are so grateful. Some of the fundraising ideas were really novel and some – such as parachute jumps and long bike rides – really tested the participants.
“Corporate Challenge is a very important part of our fundraising and it is marvellous to see it grow year on year. The lunch was a great opportunity for those involved to get together and reflect on what has been achieved. There were some interesting stories swapped over lunch and a real sense of having made a difference.”